Gary Weiser

Senior Researcher | Usability Analyst | EdTech Product Developer


Teachers College, Columbia University

PhD Science Education…October 2019
MPhil Science Education
….May 2017

University of Maryland, College Park

B.S. Physics…May 2014


WestEd……. San Francisco, CA | 01.2019-07.2022

Senior Research Associate « Research Associate II « Research Associate I
Led several long-term $1M+ projects, including product development for next-gen educational resources and assessment tools, as well as quantitative and qualitative studies on their usability, performance, and short- and long-term impact on users/customers.

KOO APPS – EdTech Mobile Game Developer…………………………………………………………………………………………2 Years
• Facilitated strategic planning meetings with CEO, Founder, CTO, and Head of R&D to define UVP for 2 users: educators and learners. Created logic-model to home in on product inputs, outcomes, and salient features.
• Tailored investor pitch to secure $1M (on top of initial $200,000), enabling company to scale program 20X and quadruple participating school districts.
• Drove teams in conducting qualitative and quantitative research via surveys, user logs, user observations, 1:1 interviews, and focus groups.
• Compiled and analyzed research findings to inform product development, integrating customizable, shareable lessons and reports into product offering.
• Created pre-tests, UAT models, and assessments, and used HLM, SEM, and IRT statistical methods to gauge product efficacy.
LITERABLY – Disruptive Reading Assessment Startup……………………………………………………………………….18 Months
• Guided leadership team in positioning their company and product to win $200,000 first-round funding, with $1M second-round in March 2022.
• Designed experiments and gathered data from school districts in 3 states, drawing from a sample of 2,000-3,000 PreK-3rd grade students in 20 classrooms.
• Led IRT statistical analysis to determine weighted scoring rubric for Literably’s assessment product to ensure reliability and equity.
• Conducted test validation studies by evaluating Literably assessment outcomes against market-leading products by NWEA, STAR, and iReady.
CONCORD CONSORTIUM – EdTech Nonprofit……………………………………………………………………………………….2 Years
• Co-drafted research and assessment strategy for a new Interactive Science Curriculum merging English Language Learning with Science, in partnership with Concord Consortium and Lawrence Hall of Science.
• Authored grant proposal to secure $2M from the Department of Education.
UNIVERSITY OF GEORGIA – AI/ML Research Project……………………………………………………………………………….1 Year
• Performed NSF-funded discovery research for the development and testing of an AI/ML-based student assessment system designed by WestEd, University of Georgia, Michigan State University, and University of Illinois.
• Worked in close partnership with PhDs and renowned fellows recognized by the National Academy of Sciences.
• Designed scoring rubric and reporting architecture showcasing learners’ strengths, weaknesses, and overall performance. Assisted with training teachers.
• Reviewing the performance and impact of assessment products
• Evaluating the socioemotional impact of COVID-19 on students
• Analyzing hands-on learning, such as teaching Physics using circuit boards

ETS……………….. Princeton, NJ | 05.2017-03.2019

Research Consultant « Research Intern
Worked on ED-grant-funded R&D projects in partnership with public agencies and universities.

INDIANA UNIVERSITY – Simulation-Based Assessment………………………………………………………………………..18 Months
• Conducted secondary research to develop a learning progress evaluation model for student thinking around Earth systems, on a US ED grant.
• Staged 1:1 interviews with 50+ students coupled with psychometric analysis of their performance on simulation-based formative assessment tasks.
• Leveraged evidence-centered design principles to articulate the conceptual assessment framework of the tasks.
STATE OF CALIFORNIA – Summative Assessment……………………………………………………………………………………6 Months
• Developed design specifications for California Alternative Science Test (CAST) used to assess tasks for alignment with NGSS curriculum mandates.
• Trained and directed test designers on the elements of the specifications for 200+ line-item requirements of the NGSS, to fold into analysis.
• Conducted spot checks of assessment items as they were developed.


Research Skills

Usability Research

Research Study Design

Evaluative Studies

Focus Groups

User Testing & Interviews

Quantitative Analysis

Mixed-Method Research

Statistical Analysis

Qualitative Research

Surveys & Assessments


Project Management

Cross-Institution Alliances

Strategy Development

Multi-Year Research

Partnership Development

Board Presentations

Selected Publications

Weiser, G., Billman, A.K., Harris, C.J., Brodsky, L.A., & Damelin, D. (2022). Insights from using a systematic design process to develop classroom-based assessment resources for measuring elementary students’ science and literacy proficiencies. Proceedings of International Conference of the Learning Sciences, ICLS. Hiroshima, JP: International Society of the Learning Sciences.

Li, L., Flynn, K. S., DeRosier, M. E., Weiser, G., & Austin-King, K. (2021). Social-emotional learning amidst COVID-19 school closures: Positive findings from an efficacy study of adventures aboard the S.S. GRIN program. Frontiers in Education, 6(5), 139–146.

Li, L., Flynn, K.S., & Weiser, G. (2021). Positive impacts of a digital social-emotional learning platform and successful implementation amidst COVID-19 school closures. Paper presented at the 2021 Virtual AERA Annual Meeting.

Weiser, G., Gane, B.D., Harris, C.J., Pellegrino, J., & Zaidi, S.Z. (2020). Understanding external expert review of design artifacts in design-based research: A guide for the perplexed. Paper presented at the Annual International Conference of the National Association for Research in Science Teaching, Portland, OR.

Saleh, A., Weiser, G., Rehmat, A. P., Housh, K., Cisterna, D., Liu, L., & Hmelo-Silver, C. (2019). A call to action: A response to Osborne, Rafanelli, and Kind (2018). Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 56(4), 526–528.

Weiser, G. (2019). Developing NGSS-aligned assessments to measure crosscutting concepts in student reasoning of earth structures and systems. Available from Dissertations & Theses @ Columbia University; ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global. (2228850931).

Weiser, G., Liu, L., Hmelo-Silver, C., Saleh., A., & Housh, K. (2019). Design principles for amending the next-generation science standards for research and practice. Paper presented at the Annual International Conference of the National Association for Research in Science Teaching, Baltimore, MD.

Boda, P., & Weiser, G. (2018). Using POGILs and blended learning to challenge preconceptions of student ability in introductory chemistry. Journal of College Science Teaching, 48(1), 8.

Ostrow, J & Weiser, G. (2018) Evidence for Two Forms of Sustainability Behavior among Higher Education Students: An Item Response Theory Analysis of Survey Responses. Poster presented at the annual conference of the National Council for Science and the Environment, Washington D.C.

Weiser, G., Lyu, X., & Rojas-Perilla, D.F. (2017). Role selection as a framework for examining evidence of CCC understanding in student work. Paper presented at the Annual International Conference of the National Association for Research in Science Teaching, San Antonio, TX. 

Rivet, A. E., Weiser, G., Lyu, X., Li, Y., & Rojas-Perilla, D.F. (2016). What are crosscutting concepts in science? Four metaphorical perspectives. Paper presented at the International Conference of the Learning Sciences, Singapore.

Weiser, G., Li, Y., Zhao, J. (2016). Improving model-centered professional development for science teachers through activity theory. Presented at the Northeast Regional Conference of the Association of Science Teacher Educators, New York, NY.

Weiser, G. & Novack, R. H.(2016) STEAM and the ‘Two Cultures’ – Developing and Evaluating Matured Views on the Nature of Science Through Drama. Paper presented at the annual international conference of the National Association for Research in Science Teaching, Baltimore, MD

Professional Affiliations

  • National Association for Research in Science Teaching (NARST)
  • American Education Research Association (AERA)
  • National Science Teaching Association (NSTA)
  • National Council on Measurement in Education (NCME)
  • International Society of the Learning Sciences (ISLS)